The complexities of being between girlhood and womanhood . . .

Does it seem like your teenage daughter has retreated and isn’t willing to talk to you? Are you concerned she might be depressed or anxious? 

Caught between being a little girl and an adult woman, she might need her own space to process the complex emotions she’s facing. 

I've worked with teenage girls in a mentorship capacity for many years and have realized that this population can benefit from my therapeutic skill set. I bring over fifteen years of licensed experience working with anxiety, depression, and body image issues - all very common in this population. In my experience, teen girls are dealing with a great deal of anxiety and pressure, and need a space to process the often conflicting feelings they experience. Young women I’ve worked with have told me that my calm and compassionate approach have helped them to really feel heard and ultimately find their own voice. 

If you feel your teenage daughter might benefit from counseling, please reach out for a complimentary intro session today.